Executive Function Coaching

Improve your organization, motivation and social one play at a time!

What is Executive Function (EF)?

Please provide description.

What makes our approach to EF effective?

Please provide answer.

What to Expect

  • 14-week session, 1 hour per week working with Dr. Abildgaard and/or other SLC team members along with a check-in during the week with your Coach!

    Please remember: our goal is to improve identified areas of executive functioning NOT every single deficit. You may find multiple sessions are needed to see growth in multiple areas.

  • We have planned for you as well! Coaching will be done via Skype or Zoom with weekly scheduled appointments with Dr. Chris or another EF Coach.

  • Based on the age of the individual coming for EF Coaching, either the BRIEF 2 Questionnaire or the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS) will be used to assess their current EF skills and areas to best address through coaching. With the family, we will develop a coaching plan that addresses those deficits found through the assessment and other observations and goals of the family. At the completion of the 14 weeks, a brief summary of progress will be given along with recommendations for the next steps.

  • Dr. Abildgaard will be the lead “Coach” for 2-3 clients. Other SLC staff members will be the other lead EF coach. We will be rolling this program out again slowly to ensure the validity and efficacy of our work. We do have other Coaches and EF Mentors who may be brought in to support a client from time to time and if it is the right situation.

  • The EF Coaching Program will run for 14 sessions. In the end, we will assess how the client is doing and make a plan with the family from there.

    Total cost for 14-week session: $1,600

    Additional $75 per coaching session with an assistant or mentor (if requested).